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How IV Infusion Therapy Can Fortify Your Immune System

How IV Infusion Therapy Can Fortify Your Immune System

IV infusion therapy is often used to restore your body and give you the boost you need when you’re feeling run down. This is especially true when it comes to keeping your immune system healthy. If your immune system isn’t working properly, you could fall victim to infections, colds, or other illnesses.

At the Regenerative Medicine Group, Dr. Richard Rutledge, Dr. Bryn Henderson, and Dr. Frank Marinkovich are well-versed in IV infusion therapy. Our team uses IV infusion therapy to help a number of issues, including a burnt-out immune system.

What is IV infusion therapy?

IV infusion therapy is a treatment that’s used in a number of different ways. When you think of an IV, you may think of fluids and medications being delivered directly into your bloodstream. This is correct, but there are also many other uses as well.

Our team uses IV infusion therapy for a variety of reasons, including to reduce inflammation, support your body through cancer treatments, and give your immunity a much-needed boost.

IV infusion therapy works by delivering vitamins and nutrients through an IV line inserted in your arm. It’s minimally invasive, and only requires you to get the IV, which is a small tube in your vein inserted with a needle.

Once the IV is in, you get comfortable and allow the fluid and nutrients to flow into your body. These infusions are customized to your specific needs, and may contain medications or a mixture of vitamins to help you function at your best.

One of the major benefits of IV infusion therapy is that the treatment only takes less than an hour, and you can go home the same day. You’re also able to return to your normal activities almost immediately.

Understanding your immune system

Your immune system is basically your body’s own personal army that protects you from harmful invaders. These invaders come in many forms, like viruses, fungi, and bacteria. 

In order to work properly, your immune system is composed of many different cells, organs, and proteins that allow it to routinely fight off dangerous disease and bacteria.

You’re born with your innate immune system, which protects you from birth. However, some of your immunity is acquired as you age, especially when you’re exposed to certain diseases or chemicals. This is called your acquired immunity.

Your body normally regulates your immune system when it’s healthy and working properly. Things like stress, not enough sleep, and your weight take a toll on your immune system’s overall health.

Without a healthy immune system, you can suffer from infections or other illnesses, including autoimmune disorders.

How does IV therapy boost your immunity?

IV therapy is a great way to keep your body healthy and give your immune system a boost. If you’re feeling tired or lethargic, your body may be suffering from decreased immunity.

Hydration is the main part of the equation when it comes to boosting immunity. Your body is made up of a lot of water, nearly 60% in adult men and 55% in women. If you’re not getting enough hydration, your body and immune system suffer.

Vitamins and nutrients are also important when it comes to a healthy immune system. You get a lot of these things through a healthy diet, but sometimes that’s just not enough. IV infusion therapy gives you essential nutrients that you may be lacking, including:

All of these nutrients are available in IV form, and help you feel better, along with boosting your immune system to ensure you stay healthy.

If you’re ready to give your immune system a boost, call one of our conveniently located offices in California, Washington state, or Nashville, TN. You can also request an appointment online using the online booking tool

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