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The Dangers of Inflammation on Your Physical and Mental Health

Inflammation is a necessary evil that occurs as a response to a foreign object or injury to the body. It's a crucial aspect of the immune system and assists in healing and tissue growth.

However, the body sometimes mistakes healthy cells and tissues as foreign or invaders, which causes the immune system to create systemic inflammation. It could be acute or chronic and may lead to various health complications.

You can't always stop inflammation, which is why the team at the Regenerative Medical Group in Orange, California, offers various therapies that can help.

 Dr. Bryn J. Henderson and Dr. John S. Farag provide NAD+ infusion and peptide therapy to reduce inflammation and improve the function of your mind and body.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is both a gift and a curse in the body. It's part of the immune system, which reacts to illness or injury by causing inflammation to trigger healing. Inflammation is the body's defense against foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria, and germs.

There are two main forms of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation happens suddenly, like after an injury, whereas chronic inflammation occurs for months to years.

Inflammation is good until the body wrongly identifies healthy tissue as invaders, causing a body-wide inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation is a real problem because it leads to various issues with physical and mental health.

Inflammation and your mental health

Chronic stress is one of the many causes of inflammation throughout the body, which already impacts your mental health – but it doesn't stop there. A rogue inflammatory response affects your mental well-being, primarily when you have associated physical effects.

Various conditions link to chronic inflammation, which affects your mental well-being. A few of these conditions include:

Chronic inflammation leads to stress, anxiety, and depression in several ways. It causes other chronic issues like pain, which take a toll on your mental health over time. Autoimmune issues are another consequence of chronic pain that may cause anxiety and depression.

Physical effects of inflammation

Most people have heard of the physical aspect of chronic inflammation. Both chronic and acute inflammation cause various symptoms, such as mouth sores, abdominal pain, or chronic infections.

The scary aspect of inflammation is how it negatively impacts your health. You're at a higher risk for the following conditions when you're living with unwanted inflammation:

Other issues, including genetics, can also lead to the above medical conditions, making diagnosis even harder. The symptoms related to chronic inflammation are often vague and identify with other disorders.

Decrease inflammation to improve your health and ward off chronic disease. It's not always easy, but small lifestyle changes can significantly impact your health.

How can I decrease inflammation?

Decreasing inflammation in the body isn't something that happens overnight. Still, with some lifestyle changes and perseverance, you can change how your body functions. Our team provides the following tips to help reduce inflammation for mind and body wellness:

Our team offers various other therapies if these changes aren't enough to calm inflammation. Peptide therapy is one of the many options that enhance mental and physical wellness.

Muscle regeneration peptides reduce inflammation and help heal injuries and other issues within the body. Although several sessions may be required to see the results, they help with various body functions and conditions.

We also provide IV infusion therapy and NAD+ to improve your feeling and provide your body with essential nutrients and vitamins that control the inflammatory response.

To learn more about how we can help with inflammation, call the Regenerative Medical Group today to make an appointment with our team or request a consultation right here on our website.

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