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Feeling Burnt Out? NAD+ IV Therapy May Be Able to Help

Feeling Burnt Out? NAD+ IV Therapy May Be Able to Help

We've all felt burnt out at some point in life. It may be after a long week at work or simply when you wake up feeling de-energized and tired. When fatigue sets in, it's hard to break that feeling even with enough sleep and energy supplements.

It's even more challenging to break fatigue as you age, causing you to struggle to finish your everyday tasks and activities without taking a breather. The good news is that alternative therapies like NAD+ IV infusions can help.

Dr. Bryn J. Henderson and Dr. John S. Farag are two experienced general practitioners who provide various therapies at their practice, Regenerative Medical Group. They offer NAD+ IV therapy and other forms of IV therapy to give your body the boost it needs.

Benefits of NAD+ IV infusions

NAD+ is an essential enzyme in all the body's cells and is necessary for all bodily functions. However, as you age, NAD+ production slows down, causing various issues, including fatigue.

NAD+ IV infusions are highly beneficial for many people, especially those feeling tired, burnt out, and just unwell. Other lifestyle changes like eating a healthier diet, exercising, and meditating may all help restore your well-being, but they're not always enough.

If you're tired of feeling run down and fatigued, NAD+ IV infusions can help. There are various benefits, including:

Aids in cognitive function

Getting older means decreased cognitive function and memory, partly because of decreased NAD+ levels. NAD+ IV therapy helps supply the brain cells with the energy they require to function optimally.

Helps with weight loss

NAD+ is essential in the body's metabolism, but as you age, it's no surprise that its production declines and your weight increases. IV therapy with a boost of NAD+ helps restore metabolism and weight loss, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

May improve pain

If you're dealing with fatigue and chronic pain, NAD+ infusions can help. It's a great alternative to oral medications and other treatments that are hard on the body and only last a short time.

Boosts energy

NAD+ is a vital factor in ATP production, which gives your cells and body the energy they need to function. When NAD+ levels are low, your cells aren't getting the power from the food you eat because of decreased ATP production. The boost of an NAD+ IV restores levels and gives you the energy you require.

Improves mood

Another benefit of regular NAD+ infusions is mood improvement. Normal levels of NAD+ increase the body's serotonin production, which helps improve mental health.

When can I see the results?

NAD+ IV therapy works differently for each individual, so it's not one-size-fits-all. Before your first session, we discuss your specific goals and needs to show you how many sessions you may need for optimal effects.

Most people require more than one NAD+ session to improve energy and reduce fatigue. However, you may feel the desired results after just one session and choose to repeat as necessary.

We often suggest NAD+ IV therapy as a complementary option and other regenerative medicine therapies for optimal results. Each therapy we offer boosts your body and mind for a needed mental and physical health boost.

The IV bypasses the stomach, meaning the nutrients go directly into the bloodstream and to where they need to be. It means that you may feel the results the same day as your session, with improvement over the next few days to weeks.

When you start to feel a decline in your energy or mood, it may be time for another NAD+ therapy session to continue your body's well-being.

Call the Regenerative Medical Group today to schedule an appointment for NAD+ therapy or request a consultation on the website.

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